Liturgical Ministries

Liturgical Ministries at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit and St. Isidore

Ministries are an opportunity to use your talents, gifts, and time to fulfill your baptismal call of service.  There are roles that are behind the scenes as well as within the celebration of Mass.  Please prayerfully consider joining one of these ministries. 


Sacristans work behind the scenes preparing for the celebration of Mass.   This ministry prepares the church environment and altar by carefully arranging the liturgical books, sacred vessels & items necessary.  



“Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” 

Greeters are the first people that parishioners meet when they enter.  This ministry creates a welcoming environment, reaching out with a friendly hello. 



Ushers greet people entering the sanctuary, help with seating, collection offering, gift bearing presentation, and distribution of bulletins.  This ministry maintains order and helps in the facilitation of an enjoyable celebration of Mass.


Altar Server 

“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”  

Altar Servers carry the Processional Cross and assist the priest during the celebration of Mass.  This ministry is open to both males and females 4th grade and up as well as adults.


Extraordinary Minister

Extraordinary Ministers are responsible for distributing the Body and Blood of Christ.  This ministry is responsible for reverently assisting the priest during communion.  It also includes a smaller group, Healthcare Location Ministers, that deliver Holy Communion to healthcare facilities, assisted living facilities, and  the homebound.



"When the Sacred Scriptures are read in the Church, God himself speaks to his people, and Christ, present in his word, proclaims the Gospel."

Lectors proclaim the Word of the Lord during the Liturgy. As ministers of the Word, the lector should have the ability to interpret and understand Scripture, and exhibit public speaking skills.  This ministry relays the Good News in a clear, precise, meaningful way to the church community.



Giftbearers bring forth the precious gifts of the bread and wine to be consecrated into the Body and Blood for Communion.  Giftbearers also bring forth the blessings of the tithe to the altar. This ministry is a significant part of the Mass.


Arts & Environment

"Each of you has received a gift to use to serve others. Be good servants of God’s various gifts of grace."

Arts & Environment ministry provides an environment for worship that coincides with the liturgical calendar.  This ministry creates and decorates the church for the celebration of Mass.


Music Ministry

Music Ministry at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit is an organized group of singers that take part in Mass at the 10:30 am Sunday.  The group sits in an area at the south end of the sanctuary.  Everyone is welcome to join as a member.


"Each one of you should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”  

If you are interested in giving your gift of talent for one of these ministries at either parish, call the parish office.  Extraordinary Ministers, Lectors, and Altar Servers require training.

All religious and lay persons 18 & older serving in any volunteer capacity in parishes, schools, agencies & other institutions of the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois, are required to complete a background check and a safe environment class called Protecting God's Children.  All volunteers are included in this diocesan policy because, by their service, they are viewed by others as leaders in the parish and are visible to be extra eyes & ears in our church community.  More information and churches holding the class are listed on the Diocese website